Access to Teshima Espoir Park

During high season such as the Golden Week, Obon Week and New Year Holiday Season, the timetables may vary.
Please refer to each ship company’s website for the latest information.
Transportation within the island
- Bus
Buses run from Ieura Port, where the ship arrives and departs, to Mariko Mori’s artwork, Teshima Art Museum, and Karato Port.
Click here for bus fare and timetable
As this is a lifeline for some, Teshima residents are given priority to ride the bus.
There is a limit to the number of passengers allowed on the bus.
Please check the destination and timetable carefully before boarding the bus and allow plenty of time for your trip. - Bike and Car Rentals
BBicycles can be rented for a fee at Ieura Port and Karato Port.
Car rentals are available only at Ieura Port.
Please inquire in advance as there is a limit to the number of bicycle and cars available. - Taxi
- There is only one taxi available in the island.
Reservation is necessary as there is only one vehicle.
We recommend you to make a reservation soon, once your travel plan has been set.
For more information, please visit the Teshima Tourism Navi website.
Click here to access Teshima Tourism Navi